Thursday 19 February 2015


Note: These videos were made over two days in mid July 2008. They were admitted (in part) by prosecutor Juan Martinez in the case of the State of Arizona versus Jodi Ann Arias. They were submitted to the court in January 2013 as evidence of the evolution of Arias' stories as to who murdered Travis Alexander in June 2008.
They are essential viewing for trial watchers, as they show the first two of Arias' story as to how Mr Alexander ended up murdered in his shower. The first story, of course, was that Arias wasn't anywhere near Arizona on the day of the murder, the second story came on the second day of questioning, when she told Detective Flores that she had been there, but that Travis had been killed in a home invasion by two intruders.
The third story, of course, of domestic violence, self-defense, came a lot later. And by all accounts this "admission" of guilt came only after both Kirk Nurmi and Dr. Samuels (Dr. Fog), pretty much told her that nobody was buying the intruder story!

Video 1:


Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

Thursday 5 February 2015

Tuesday 3 February 2015

A Tale of Two Hernandezes. The Footballer and the Gunrunner.

Aaron Hernandez in court
In any other world you wouldn't have really put the two Hernandez men together. 
On the face of it Aaron Hernandez was living the dream: a beautiful family, a great career, a forty million dollar contract, a new house, and all of this before he is even close to reaching thirty! 
But according to prosecutors in the just getting under way trial, this lavish life was merely the facade for a man they say not only murdered, or orchestrated the murder of Odin Lloyd, but that he is also implicated in a double murder in Boston in 2012.
During the current trial, where Aaron Hernandez faces multiple firearms charges along with the charge of first degree murder, the Judge has ruled that the jury will not be allowed to hear about the other outstanding charges. Prosecutors in the Boston case have said that they believe Aaron Hernandez killed Daniel Jorge Correia de Abreu, 29, and Safiro Teixeira Furtado, 28, over a "spilled drink in the club". He also faces attempted murder charges for the other surviving occupants of the vehicle he allegedly shot into.

Oscar Hernandez JR

So who is Oscar Hernandez? Although the men are not related, according to prosecutors, and his own guilty plea, he acted as a "gunrunner" for Aaron Hernandez.

In his opening remarks, on January 29th 2015; Mr Bomberg made mention of a single deposit of $15000 into a bank account for Oscar Hernandez from Aaron Hernandez. The implication being that this was for the purchase of guns.

On January 21 of this year, Oscar Hernandez pleaded guilty to shipping an FEG assault rifle and two handguns to the residence of Aaron Hernandez in Spring of 2013. He also pleaded guilty to lying to a grand jury, witness tampering, obstruction of justice and gun conspiracy.

Oscar Hernandez's attorney insists however that Oscar won't "rat" on Aaron, and is in no way is his client consenting to be a witness at the trial of Aaron Hernandez and that it wasn't a part of the plea deal Oscar Hernandez had made with prosecutors.
But whether that remains the case, we'll have to wait and see!

VIDEO: The Case Against Aaron Hernandez (Part 1)

This is part one in an intended mini-series using the opening statements and eventually witness testimony that sheds light on the innocence or guilt of Aaron Hernandez.

VIDEO! Aaron Hernandez Fake Alibi Busted Open by his OWN CCTV!

During Opening Statements for the Prosecution case against Aaron Hernandez, ADA Patrick Bomberg mentioned that the defendant had made comments in the weeks after the murder of Odin Lloyd in which he expressed an interest in finding out the time of Mr Odin's death as it would vindicate him in relation to the murder as he had been at a club all that night.
While, according to Bomberg, Hernandez had been at a club, it had been earlier in the night and that Hernandez's own digital security system had captured on time-stamped video footage, in his own house with what prosecutors allege, a gun, possibly the same type as the murder weapon, which has never been retrieved.
Speaking earlier of the same security system, Mr Bomberg made a point of noting that despite what might be said by the defence about the system's timing being "off", that his team would show that the timing system on the digital set up was set to UTC. For the uninitiated, UTC is "Coordinated Universal Time and is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.

So it seems that the prosecutors are going on all out on Hernandez. They've already presented a pretty compelling case (Sorry for the use of "compelling" and Arias trial watchers reading this will understand!) pretty much through their opening. It'll be really interesting to see it all come together throughout the coming weeks!

VIDEO: Aaron Hernandez Trial Day 2

From Friday January 30 2015, Day Two of the murder trial or Aaron Hernandez:

VIDEO: Aaron Hernandez Trial: Juror DISMISSED for discussing and forming opinion about the case!

In a remarkable turn of events today, Judge Susan Garsh, in the trial of Aaron Hernandez, has dismissed Juror 98, for discussing the case, and having formed opinions before viewing all the evidence, in particular with regards to the missing murder weapon. The Juror is also accused with having had expressed an interest in getting on the Hernandez trial jury. The juror is also alleged to lied on her Juror Questionnaire with regards to how interested she was in the Patriots.
Judge Garsh found that it was "in the best interest of Justice" for the Juror to be dismissed.

VIDEO: Aaron Hernandez Trial: Day 1 Opening Statements & First Witnesses

Day 1: January 29 2015 Opening Statements (Both prosecution and defence).