Monday 15 June 2015


On Wednesday, June 10th 2015, Gargi Datta, took the stand in the trial of James Holmes. She attended graduate school with Holmes from 2011 until he dropped out the following June. For some of that time, Ms Datta, who came across as very intelligent, confident, was Holmes' girlfriend. And once again, she showed her maturity and confidence, by being not one bit embarrassed to speak of the personal nature of her relationship with James Holmes.
Quite tellingly, she referred to Holmes as "the defendant" throughout her direct testimony. A choice not missed by the Defence, as on cross examination, they asked her did she always refer to Holmes as the "defendant" or was it just after he'd been charged. Obvious question, but, of course, the defences job is to humanise their client, at any chance!

Some things of note in these chats:
  • The beginnings of their relationship 
  • Discussions with Datta about wanted to kill people
  • Discussions about his college work
  • How his thought process was operating in tandem with planning the theater shooting
  • Discussions about mass murder
  • Datta advising Holmes to get some help from a therapist (he called it the mind rapist, or The Rapist (a play on the word "therapist"
  • etc; etc.

*Scroll down for both sets of emails.

Emails entered into evidence on Wednesday June 10th:


 Emails entered into evidence on Thursday June 11th 2015:

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