Thursday 12 March 2015

My Thoughts on Nurmi's Scumbag Move! #jodiarias

Kirk Nurmi

 March 13th 2015.

I had made a posting on a forum (whom I shan't be naming), earlier tonight, proclaiming that after editing through fifteen or twenty minutes of it, (listening and editing go hand in hand, obviously);
I made the rather bold statement for a lady who really couldn't stand his low brow tactics in the 2013 trial.

I said that after hearing as far as I heard, I thought that maybe Kirk Nurmi seemed to be doing quite well. He had an easy to follow narrative set out, and even seemed to know where he was going with it. No aimless rambling.

I think I also remarked that maybe he had spent some of the 2.7 million he bled from the State of Arizona on some actual law books actually learned something.

And then a further few minutes into the edit, THIS HAPPENED:

I hereby declare that I'm taking back every kind thing I ever said about the man.
He's still a scumbag. Only a scumbag would delve this low. To imply that Travis was near the top of a pyramid scheme. I'm not one of those people who worship Saint Travis, so I understand what he was involved in.
Gus Searcy: A Legend in his own mind

Remember Gus Searcy? Or Creepy Gus, and he came to be called.
That man was reprehensible! Just looking for his 15 minute.
His exchange with Martinez is a classic, where they argue over the "shape" of the business model.
The exchange lead to, the now. immortal line from Gus:

"It's not a triangle, it's more of a circle, if you want to get into geometry."

*Watch the video of this exchange been Martinez and Searcy here or scroll to the bottom of this page to watch it here!

So after watching Searcy dance around the structure of the company like a prima ballerina, it was quite easy to infer what business practices were in place. And so did everyone else, thanks to Martinez's dogged approach!
But Nurmi seemed to be implying that Travis was way at the top, maybe even running it ffs! I'm mean we all that Travis was in serious debt. So there absolutely know reason for Nurmi to cast aspersions on Travis's job or finances, other than to purely to facilitate a really disgusting and low attempt at character assassination.
I can't recall if Nurmi every tried this kind of approach with Travis in the 2013 trial, but I'll see what I can find. But I'm fairly sure that he didn't.
Which gets me thinking! Maybe my husband is right. But not only is Nurmi trying to physically morph into Martinez, but perhaps, maybe (and by maybe I mean, WILD SPECULATION! LOL!), just maybe! Nurmi is taking a leaf out of Martinez's playbook  by using Legal Shield to discredit someone. Because that's exactly what Martinez did when Searcy was a defense witness!

Just a thought!

  Gus Searcy & the Great Geometry Debate:

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